CircleSinging - how does it work?

Every circlesinging gathering is as unique as the people in the room, but it generally follows a certain pattern.

First, we gather and stand in a circle. We learn each other’s names. Then, we start our very first song with only a few rules: 1) We all start on the same pitch 2) Once you have sung that pitch for as long as you want, you simply move away from it or come back to it as the muse strikes you…you know: make stuff up. 3) There are no further rules.

When the song ends…in its own way, in its own time …there is absolute magic in the silence that follows. A sense of awe fills the room; delight lights up in the singers’ eyes. A grin breaks across people’s faces as they understand that they just created something beautiful…all by themselves and with no direction from anyone!

For the next 90 minutes or so, we continue to create songs based on singers’ ideas or those of the person leading the circle. Some are groovy, some are slow and mystical, some make you want to dance, some feel like prayer. We mix in some games and exercises to expand everyone’s skills and then conclude with one last “all in” improvisation like the beginning.

And everyone leaves uplifted and recharged, having made beautiful music and maybe even a new friend or two.


What’s it like to be “inside” the music?